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Tap into your potential.

All our services are tailored to meet your business’ specific needs.  Once we’ve gotten to know the opportunities and challenges you face, we will customize the level of service.  We also don’t bill by the hour.  Once we determine the right level of service, we come up with a fixed price that we both agree upon.  That way you can have the peace of mind of predictable accounting expenses and no surprises when you get your invoice.  We find that this arrangement allows for our clients to use us more – no worrying about getting charged for phone calls or emails.  Call, email, tweet us…we are here for you.  Having said that, below are just some of the ways we help businesses:

  • Full-service accounting: Under this arrangement, you do the daily financial blocking and tackling…write checks, make deposits, and use your credit cards. We will do everything else…reconciliations, management reports, categorize transactions, tax planning/preparation.  We will also have a monthly or quarterly meeting to review the results with you and let you know what the financials results are saying about the health and direction of your business
  • Monthly/quarterly accounting:  Some of our clients already have either in-house or external bookkeepers but want someone to provide some financial oversight of the month-end process or to provide a layer of security and controls.  Some of these services may also include cash flow planning, assistance in raising capital or bank lending, and projections/budgeting.​


what can you do for me?

why do I need you...I do my own books?

Maximize your resources.
As an entrepreneur, I understand a start-up business' resources are limited.  That’s why I use my CPA super powers to efficiently manage your business’ financial needs. Then you can dedicate resources to what is truly vital to your business – creating the best products and directing the growth of your business to achieve your desired results. Without a clear understanding of your financial picture, it is difficult to confidently frame your business decisions and plan for the future.  Not only can we help with clarity around the financial issues, we can help with any challenges  you might face from start-up, growth or expansion, cash flow management, projections, investor/lender reporting, etc… but we also have a wide network of resources to help you through any hurdles you might encounter.